Bomb Squad finished the season at the top of the Jefferson park and recreation department’s coed softball league, and Power Life won the league tournament.
The regular season opened July 17 and ended Aug. 21. Final league standings after 12 games among the seven teams in the league were Bomb Squad 11-1, Power Lift 8-4, Hit Faced 7-5, Raccoon Valley Lawn Care 7-5, 515 Softball Club 4-8, Greater Life Chiropractic 4-8 and Dennhardt Concrete 1-11.
The teams were seeded and the tournament started Aug. 23, with Raccoon Valley Lawn Care slated against 515 Softball Club. Raccoon Valley Lawn Care forfeited and 515 Softball Club moved on to face Bomb Squad Aug. 28. Hit Faced played Greater Life Chiropractic with Greater Life Chiropractic winning 10-4 and moving on to play Power Lift.
Due to the weather on Tuesday, the games were postponed to Thursday, Aug. 30 Bomb Squad faced 515 Softball Club with Bomb Squad winning 18-11. Greater Life Chiropractic faced Power Lift in the second game with Power Lift winning 13-8. The final game was Bomb Squad vs Power Lift, with Power Lift winning the championship 10-8.